Looking for something new and interesting to do this weekend? We've got some great ideas to get you out in the springtime sunshine!
Friday, April 3
Artists in the Garden Exhibit
exhibition features artwork by students, alumni and faculty of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA), held in conjunction with the PAFA exhibition, Artists in the Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement, 1887 – 1920, February 13 – May 24, 2015.
Free with garden admission, free for Morris Arboretum and PAFA Members.
Pictured: Bill Hansen; Garden 9, Inkjet Pigment Print, 2012 |
Saturday, April 4
Patrick Dougherty Stickwork Grand Opening!
Come be among the first to view the newest sculpture created by internationally renowned artist
Patrick Dougherty. Designed and built on-site this artwork is composed entirely of locally gathered natural materials.
All day | Free with garden admission.
Kids’ Discovery Series: Calling Crafty Artists!
Join us as we celebrate the opening of Patrick Dougherty’s magnificent creation. Come and design your own eco-friendly structure using all things from nature including vines, twigs, branches, and leaves. Happening at the lawn across from rose garden entrance.
11:00am - 3:00pm | Free with garden admission.
Photo: Susan Crane |
Sunday, April 5
Take a Guided Tour
Each tour is custom designed depending on the interests of attendees. First-time visitors may want a general tour of the Arboretum. Returning visitors may wish to learn more about our sculpture or big trees. If each attendee has a different interest, the guides will try to incorporate them all. The Arboretum is in your hands.
2:00 - 3:00pm | Free with garden admission.