Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Right Plant in the Right Place

Hostas (several varieties pictured behind bench) thrive in partial shade.

Does all the fresh new growth and color of spring have you inspired to plant something?

Whether you are creating a new garden or want to add additional plants to an existing one keep in mind if the place is right for the plant. We all have our favorites and want them in our gardens, however we can be very disappointed in the results if not planted in the proper environment it requires. Most of us know about full sun, part shade or full shade, but many plants love hot dry conditions or kept cool and moist or hate wet feet. When shopping for plants know where you plan to plant them and the conditions of the area.

Color for Shade
Colorful plants in shady spots are always difficult. Try hosta, which comes in blues, greens and stripes. Coleus is a wonderful plant for color in a shady spot and lots of variety. Try the large Kong coleus for a dramatic effect. Astilbe is an old favorite that thrives in partial shade and packs a colorful punch.

The Right Plant in the Right Place will help you have the garden you dream of become a reality. Happy planting!

Pick up the perfect plants for your backyard at our Annual Plant Sale, May 8 (Members Only) and 9 (Public). Our knowledgeable staff will be on hand to answer all your garden questions!

Article contributed by Susan J. Choma, Certified Master Gardener

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