Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Visiting the Arboretum on a Drizzly Day

When the forecast calls for clouds and a chance of precipitation, we tend to look for indoor things to occupy our time. As children, we used to love to play in the rain and pounce in puddles. Why not enjoy a rainy day again?

I recently visited the Arboretum when the skies looked like they would open up at any minute. As I walked around with my umbrella in hand, I breathed in the wonderful scent of fresh rain. I could hear the pitter patter of raindrops as they hit the canopy of leaves above. When the wind kicked up, acorns made a light thumping sound as they dropped to the ground. Raindrops created radiating concentric circles as they hit the water of the Swan Pond. I felt as if I had the Arboretum almost all to myself on this day of less than perfect weather.

If you’re there on a day when the rain kicks in, you can take cover with Mercury at the Mercury Loggia and grotto while enjoying the bubbling fountains, or find shelter in the Log Cabin and listen to the rain as it hits the moss-covered roof. Out on a Limb offers protection from the rain, and a chance to learn more about trees at the same time. While the leaves are still on the trees, there are many shady areas that will help keep you dry, such as the canopy of the Oak Allée.

When the rain lessens, enjoy the many vistas the Arboretum has to offer, such as the view of the English Park from the Seven Arches, or the view across the Azalea Meadow. Storm clouds make for a breathtaking backdrop.

Next time the weather looks indecisive (but doesn’t call for heavy storms with lightning!), pack your hat, umbrella and/or raincoat, and head to the Arboretum. You might even want to put on your rain boots so you can splash in some puddles!

Article and photos contributed by Kristen Bower, Guest Garden Blogger for Morris Arboretum

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